Extract of work from the community based project
and campaign with homeowners in Clare,
impacted by the Defective Concrete Blocks crisis (2020-23)
Ennis Rally - Jan 29th 2022
Protest organised by Clare Pyrite Action Group

International Conference - May 2022
International Conference - May 2022
Media interviews during the research and campaign in local and national media (2020-23).
September 2020
McGarry, F. Structural issues leave North Clare homeowner in ‘living nightmare’, The Clare Champion, 04.09.2020, p 6.
McGarry, F. Grandmother afraid ‘house will fall down’ due to building defects, The Clare Champion,11.09.2020, p2.
McGarry, F. Yet more homeowners counting the cost of severe ‘pyrite’ damage, The Clare Champion, 18.09.2020, p1 & 3.
McGarry, F. Housing minister slated over stance on Clare homeowners ‘pyrite’ plight, The Clare Champion, 25.09.2020, p 3.
Clare FM, Pyrite Destroys Clare Homes, 14.09.2020. https://www.clare.fm/podcasts/pyrite-destroys-clare-homes/
Clare FM, Claims That Clare Residents Being Ineligible For Pyrite Remediation Prograamme Amounts to ‘Discrimination’,14.09.2020, https://www.clare.fm/news/claims-clare-residents-ineligible-pyrite-remediation-programme-amounts-discrimination/
Clare FM, Fresh Calls For Clare To Be Included In Pyrite Scheme After Extension To Limerick, 28.09.2020, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/fresh-calls-clare-included-pyrite-scheme-extension-limerick/
October 2020
McGarry, F. Pyrite action group looks for more political backing, The Clare Champion, 02.10.2020, p 2. McGarry, F. Our home is falling slowly, homeowners meeting politicians on ‘pyrite’ problems, The Clare Champion, 09.10.2020, p
Clare FM, Councillors Demand Supports For Clare’s Pyrite Homeowners, 22.10.2020. https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-county-council/councillors-demand-supports-clares-pyrite-homeowners/
November 2020
McGarry, F. Pyrite in homes in ‘not your fault’, The Clare Champion, 20.11.2020, p 4.
O’Rourke, R. ‘ You can actually hear it cracking’, Clare homeowners in fear of crumbling homes, Irish Examiner, 13.11.2020 https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/munster/arid-40081001.html
Clare FM, Hopes Decision On Compensation For Clare Pyrite Homeowners Won’t Be Dragged Out, 23.11.2020. https://www.clare.fm/news/hopes-decision-compensation-clare-pyrite-homeowners-wont- dragged/
Clare FM, Fresh Hope That Clare Pyrite Homeowners Could Be Given State Support, 23.11.2020, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/fresh-hope-clare-pyrite-homeowners-given-state-support/
Newstalk, The Pat Kenny Show, A Campaign For Co Clare Be Recognised For Pyrite Issues, 06.11.2020, https://www.newstalk.com/podcasts/highlights-from-the-pat-kenny-show/a-campaign-for-co-clare-be-recognised-for-pyrite-issues
RTE-TG4, Úinéiirí tithe sa Chlár ag irraidh cabhrach faoi bhrící lochtacha, le Tomás Ó Mainnín, 24.11.2020. https://www.rte.ie/news/nuacht/2020/1124/1180184-uineiri-tithe-sa-chlar-ag-iarraidh-cabhrach-faoi-bhrici-lochtacha/
February 2021
McGarry, F. ‘Some Clare homes will have to be demolished’, The Clare Champion, 05.02.2021, p 1 & 2.
Clare FM, Local Authority Preparing Submission For Clare Inclusion In Pyrite Scheme, 04.02.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-county-council/local-authority-preparing-submission-clare-inclusion-pyrite-scheme/
Clare FM, Council’s Defective Block Scheme Application Will Be Subject To “Rigorous Analysis” – Department, 04.02.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/councils-defective-block-scheme-application-will-subject-rigorous-analysis-department/
June 2021
McGarry, F. ‘My home is getting worse by the week’, The Clare Champion, 18.06.2021, p 1& 2.
Clare FM, Five Clare Homes That Tested Positive For Pyrite Only ‘The Tip of The Iceberg’, 11.06.2021. https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/five-clare-homes-tested-positive-pyrite-tip-iceberg/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group To Join Protest in Dublin, 11.06.2021, https://www.clare.fm/podcasts/clare-pyrite-action-group-join-protest-dublin/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Among Those In Dublin For Redress Scheme Protest Today,15.06.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/clare-pyrite-action-group-among-dublin-redress-scheme-protest-today/
Clare FM, Clare Homeowner’s Willing To Go To European Courts Over Pyrite Controversy, 15.06.2021. https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-homeowners-willing-go-european-courts-pyrite-controversy/
Clare FM, Council Confirms Housing Estates Affected By Pyrite Issue In Clare, 16.06.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/council-confirms-two-housing-estates-affected-pyrite-issue-clare/
Clare FM, Calls In Clare For Developers To Be Held Responsible For Pyrite Issues, 16.06.2021. https://www.clare.fm/news/calls-clare-developers-held-responsible-pyrite-issues/
Clare FM, Mica And Pyrite Working Group To Meet For First Time Later, 30.06.2021. https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/mica-pyrite-working-group-meet-first-time-later/
RTE Radio 1, The Claire Byrne Show, Pyrite Extending Into Other Counties, by Barry Lennihan, 29.06.2021, https://www.rte.ie/radio/radio1/clips/21975041/
Virgin Media News, Homeowners whose homes have been affected by pyrite fight to be included in the State’s redress scheme, by Eric Clark, 16.06.2021, https://www.facebook.com/VirginMediaNews/videos/164569775576686
July 2021
McGarry, F. Mayo pyrite activist tells Clare: ‘don’t sit back and take this,’ The Clare Champion, 02.07.2021, p 6.
McGarry, F. ‘Voices need to be heard’, The Clare Champion, 09.07.2021, p 6.
McGarry, F. Cracks appearing in local authority houses in Ennis, The Clare Champion, 09.07.2021, p 6. McGarry, F. Family’s heartbreak at the prospect of demolishing home, The Clare Champion, 16.07.2021, p 1& 2.
McGarry, F. Sinn Féin leader’s shock at crumbling east Clare home, The Clare Champion, 23.07.2021, p 1&3.
McMahon, P. Hundreds more homes affected by Pyrite say Action Group, Clare Echo, 08.07.2021,
p 14.
McMahon, P. Prominent Kilrush building affected by pyrite, Clare Echo, 15.07.2021, p 8.
McMahon, P. Pyrite nightmare and heartache for Sixmilebridge family, Clare Echo, 29.07.2021, p 1&11.
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Founder Hits Out At Govt Following LPT Exemption For Mayo And Dublin Homeowners, 8.07.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/clare-pyrite-group-founder-hits-govt-following-lpt-exemption-mayo-dublin-homeowners/
Clare FM, Finance Minister Says LPT Exemption For Pyrite Houses Doesn’t Extend To Clare Homeowners, 09.07.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/finance-minister-says-lpt-exemption-pyrite-houses-doesnt-extend-clare-homeowners/
Clare FM, Finance Minister Says LPT Exemption For Pyrite Houses Doesn’t Extend To Clare Homeowners, 09.07.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/finance-minister-says-lpt-exemption-pyrite-houses-doesnt-extend-clare-homeowners/
Clare FM, Housing Minister Says Financial Firms Could Make Contributions To Pyrite Redress Scheme, 15.07.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing-minister-says-financial-firms-make-contributions-pyrite-redress-scheme/
Clare FM, No Fair Reason To Exclude Clare Homes From Defective Block Redress Scheme – Mary Lou Mc Donald, 22.07.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/no-fair-reason-exclude-clare-homes-defective-block-redress-scheme-mary-lou-mcdonald/
Clare FM, Council Confirms Application To Extend Defective Concrete Block Scheme Application To Clare For Pyrite Affected Homeowners, 28.07.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/council-confirms-application-extend-defective-concrete-block-scheme-application-clare-pyrite-affected-homeowners/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Homeowners Call On Housing Minister To Visit County, 28.07.2021. https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-pyrite-homeowners-call-housing-minister-visit-county/
Clare FM, Application To Defective Concrete Block Grant Scheme For Impacted Clare Residents, 28.07.2021. https://www.clare.fm/podcasts/application-defective-concrete-block-grant-scheme-impacted- clare-residents/
August 2021
McGarry, F. Donegal campaigner expresses solidarity with Clare homeowners, The Clare Champion, 13.08.2021, p 3.
McGarry, F. Timeframe on pyrite redress decision called ‘farcical’, The Clare Champion, 13.08.2021, p 3. McGarry, F. Minister knew of pyrite for nine years, The Clare Champion, 20.08.2021, p 1&2. McGarry, F. Minister to visit Clare pyrite home, The Clare Champion, 27.08.2021, p 8.
McMahon, P. We are afraid of becoming ‘homeless pensioners’, Clare Echo, 05.08.2021, p 4.McMahon, P. Pyrite problems to be put to Minister for Housing, Clare Echo, 26.08.2021, p 4.
Moore, A. Housing Minister refuses to commit to 100% redress for Pyrite scandal victims, Irish Examiner, 27.08.2021, https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-40368035.html
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Call For ‘All Ireland’ Governing Authority To Administer Redress, 16.08.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-action-group-call-ireland-governing-authority-administer-redress/
Clare FM, Fresh Calls For Clare Pyrite Redress To Be Fast Tracked Ahead of Housing Minister Visit, 27.08.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/fresh-calls-clare-pyrite-redress-fast-tracked-ahead-housing-minister-visit/
Clare FM, Housing Minister Decision on Clare Pyrite Redress Application ‘Within Weeks’, 27.08.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing-minister-promises-decision-clare-pyrite-redress-application-within-weeks/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Vice Chair Hopeful Of Compensation ‘Within 12 Months’, 30.08.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-action-group-vice-chair-hopeful-compensation-within-12-months/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Issues ‘Tip Of The Iceberg’ As Minister Promises No Budgetary Constraints To Redress. 30.08.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/clare-pyrite-issues-tip-iceberg-minister-promises-no-budgetary-constraints-redress/
Clare FM, Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien Visits Clare and Speaks To Residents Affected By Pyrite. 30.08.2021, https://www.clare.fm/podcasts/housing-minister-darragh-obrien-visits-clare-speaks-residents-affected-pyrite/
September 2021
McGarry, F. ‘We don’t have 10 years to wait’, The Clare Champion, 03.09.2021, p 1.
McGarry, F. Minister: decision on redress for Clare in ‘matter of weeks’, The Clare Champion, 03.09.2021 p 6.
McGarry, F. Council informed of pyrite in Clare in 2018, The Clare Champion, 03.09.2021, p 6.
McGarry, F. Donegal activist: people must pull together, The Clare Champion, 03.09.2021, p 6.
McGarry, F. Homeowner suggests far more people affected in Clare than currently known, The Clare Champion, 03.09.2021, p 6.
McGarry, F. Demand for accountability from manufacturers, The Clare Champion, 03.09.2021, p 6. McGarry, F. Geography can be no bar to redress access – O’Bróin, The Clare Champion, 10.09.2021, p 10.
McGarry, F. Carey clear on backing for 100% redress, The Clare Champion, 10.09.2021, p 10.
McGarry, F. Call for concrete blocks enquiry following report, The Clare Champion, 24.09.2021, p 6. McGarry, F. More pyrite cases emerge in east of county, The Clare Champion, 24.09.2021, p 6. McGarry, F. Carey and west TDs seeking Táiniste meeting, The Clare Champion, 24.09.2021, p 6. McMahon, P. Council chief knew about pyrite in 2018, Clare Echo, 02.09.2021, p 1&17.
McMahon, P. Housing Minister visits homes affected by pyrite, Clare Echo, 02.09.2021, p 16. McMahon, P. ‘I don’t have ten years to wait, I could be six feet under so I want my house replaced and repaired’, Clare Echo, 02.09.2021, p 16.
McMahon, P. Action group founder upbeat following ‘positive meeting with Minister, Clare Echo, 02.09.2012, p 17.
McMahon, P. ‘Determined to pursue every legal avenue’, Clare Echo, 02.09.2021, p 17.
McMahon, P. ‘It’s there in black and white’, Carey, Clare Echo, 16.09.2021, p 6.
McMahon, P. Pyrite threat to €8m Kilrush maritime centre, Clare Echo, 23.09.2021, p 1&4.
Owens,R. Council seeks €8m for Kilrush plan, The Clare Champion, 24.09.2021, p 6.
Clare FM, Clare Government TD Says Quarries Should Be Pursued For Pyrite Redress As new Scheme Being Developed. 23.09.2021, https://www.clare.fm/featured-2/clare-government-td-says-quarries-pursued-pyrite-redress-new-scheme-developed/
Clare FM, Housing Department Says Inclusion Of Clare In Pyrite Redress Would Require Attorney General Consultation. 23.09.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/housing-department-says-inclusion-clare-pyrite-redress-require-attorney-general-consultation/
Clare FM, Clare Government TD Says Quarries Should Be Pursued For Pyrite Redress As New Scheme Being Developed, 23.09.2021, https://www.clare.fm/featured-2/clare-government-td-says-quarries-pursued-pyrite-redress-new-scheme-developed/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Group Chair ‘Worried’ Homeowners Here Could Be Excluded From State Redress. 30.09.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-group-chair-worried-homeowners-excluded-state-redress/
October 2021
McGarry, F. Clare’s blocks issue is same as Mayo’s, The Clare Champion, 01.10.2021, p 4.
McGarry, F. Wynne slams ‘delaying tactics’ on access to blocks redress scheme, The Clare Champion, 01.10.2021, p 4.
McGarry, F. Concern over ‘rebranding of states redress scheme’, The Clare Champion, 01.10.2021, p 4. McGarry, F. Carey welcomes ‘constructive’ meeting on defective blocks, The Clare Champion, 01.10.2021, p 4.
McGarry, F. Why are we still waiting?, The Clare Champion, 08.10.2021, p 1&2.
McGarry, F. Fear about state jiggery pokery on scheme delay, The Clare Champion, 15.10.2021, p 5. McGarry, F. Call for unity in redress pursuit, The Clare Champion, 15.10.2021, p 9.
McGarry, F. Plea not to allow block blame distract from main purpose, The Clare Champion, 15.10.2021, p 9.
McGarry, F. Drop party politics and keep focus on justice meeting told, The Clare Champion, 15.10.2021, p 9.
McGarry, F. Politicians hear of homeowners heartache, The Clare Champion, 15.10.2021, p 9. McMahon, P. Pyrite homeowners demand answers six weeks after visit, Clare Echo, 07.10.2021, p 11. McMahon, P. Inclusion in pyrite scheme assured, Clare Echo, 14.10.2021, p 6.
McMahon, P. Manufacturers of defective concrete block ‘have no morals’, Clare Echo, 14.10.2021, p 6.
McMahon, P. Dept of Housing ‘playing jiggery pokery’, Clare Echo, 14.10.2021, p 6.
McMahon, P. Politicians clash as pyrite meeting raises tensions, Clare Echo, 14.10.2021, p 6.
O’ Dowd, E. Clare pyrite homeowners: ‘It’s like trying to stop the flow of a river with your hands’, Irish Times, 08.10.2021, https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/clare-pyrite-homeowners-it-s-like- trying-to-stop-the-flow-of-a-river-with-your-hands-1.4696276
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Group Expressing Frustration Over Prospect Of ‘Another Winter’ Without Redress. 08.10.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-group-expressing-frustration-prospect-another-winter-without-redress/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Group Chair Says People Will March ‘In Their Thousands’ If Homeowners Are Ignored From Redress. 08.10.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-pyrite-group-chair-says-people-will-march-thousands-homeowners-ignored-redress/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Homeowners Won’t Rest Until They Can Access Redress Scheme, 08.10.2021, https://www.clare.fm/podcasts/clare-pyrite-homeowners-wont-rest-can-access-redress-scheme/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Group Chair Believes 1,000 Houses In This County Could Be Impacted By The Mineral, 14.10.2021. https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-group-chair-believes-1000-houses- county-impacted-mineral/
November 2021
McMahon, P. Anger reaching boiling point over pyrite redress scheme, Clare Echo, 25.11.2021, p 6.
Clare FM, Clare Decision On Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme ‘Not A Million Miles Away’, Says Minister, 12.11.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-decision-defective-concrete-blocks-scheme-not-million-miles-away-says-minister/
Clare FM, Further Information Being Sought On Clare’s Application To Defective Concrete Block Scheme, 24.11.2021, https://www.clare.fm/podcasts/information-sought-clares-application-defective-concrete-block-scheme/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Say Protests Are ‘The Next Step’ To Redress Access, 24.11.2021. https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-pyrite-action-group-say-protests-next-step-redress-access/
December 2021
McGarry, F. Pyrite group turns up the heat on grant scheme access, The Clare Champion, 03.12.2021, p 1&2.
McGarry, F. Department challenges aspects of county councils pyrite report, The Clare Champion, 10.12.2021, p 1&2.
McGarry, F. Anger at broken promises on Clare access to redress, The Clare Champion, 10.12.2021, p 6.
McGarry, F. I don’t want my kids fearing their house will fall down, The Clare Champion, 10.12.2021, p 6. McGarry, F. Taoiseach doesn’t give a continental about Clare homeowners, The Clare Champion, 10.12.2021, p 6.
McGarry, F. Furious reaction to newly revised blocks scheme, The Clare Champion, 10.12.2021, p 6. McGarry, F. Howard seeks investigation into source of defective blocks, The Clare Champion, 17.12.2021, p 1&2.
McGarry, F. Clare pyrite homeowners in ‘pathfinder’ legal actions, The Clare Champion, 31.12.2021, p1. McMahon, P. Pyrite homeowners left with broken promises as houses deteriorate, The Clare Echo, 02.12.2021, p
McMahon, P. Department issue further delay to hopes for pyrite redress, The Clare Echo, 09.12.2021, p 10.
Clare FM, Clare’s Oireachtas Representatives Should Not Back ‘Discriminatory’ Redress Scheme Says Clare Pyrite Action Group. 01.12.2021. https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clares-oireachtas- representatives-not-back-discriminatory-redress-scheme-says-clare-pyrite-action-group-chair/
Clare FM, Clare Government Senator ‘Concerned’ About Department Delays To Pyrite Redress Scheme Access. 03.12.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-government-senator-concerned-department-delays-pyrite-redress-scheme-access/
Clare FM, Department Of Housing Says ‘Scale’ Of Pyrite Problem In Clare is ‘Unclear’. 09.12.2021, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/department-housing-says-scale-pyrite-problem-clare-unclear/
Clare FM, Minister Of State At Department of Housing Addresses Issues in Clare, 10.12.2021, https://www.clare.fm/podcasts/minister-state-department-housing-addresses-issues-clare/
Clare FM, Former Clare Mayor Calls For Inquiry Into Source of Pyrite And Mica Blocks, 16.12.2021. https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/former-clare-mayor-calls-inquiry-source-pyrite-mica-blocks/
January 2022
McGarry, F. Further testing undertaken to satisfy Department pyrite query, The Clare Champion, 21.01.2022, p 4.
McGarry, F. Clare group rails against ‘undeniable discrimination’, The Clare Champion, 21.001.2022, p 4 McGarry, F. Minister denies ‘raising bar’ for Clare access to redress scheme, 28.01.2022, p 10. McMahon, P. ‘Undeniable discrimination’ of homes excluded from redress, Clare Echo, 20.01.2022, p 7. McMahon, P. Pyrite homeowners to take to streets, Clare Echo, 27.01.2022, p 8.
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Chair Accuses Department Of ‘Changing Rules’ On Redress Scheme, 27.01.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-action-group-chair-accuses-department-changing-rules-redress-scheme/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group ‘Losing Confidence’ In Local Political Representatives, 28.01.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-pyrite-action-group-losing-confidence-local-political-representatives/
Clare FM, Frustrated Homeowners Affected By Pyrite Take Part In Protest, 29.01.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/frustrated-homeowners-affected-pyrite-clare-take-part-protest/
Clare FM, Clare TD Hopeful Pyrite Affected Homeowners In Clare Will Have Access To Redress In Coming Months, 31.01.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-td-hopeful-pyrite-affected-homeowners-clare-will-access-redress-coming-months/
Virgin Media News, Pyrite affected homeowners set to protest in Clare, by Eric Clarke, 27.02.2022, https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1550944108621365
Clare FM, Clare Homeowners Affected By Pyrite Take Part in Protest, 31.01.2022, https://www.clare.fm/podcasts/clare-homeowners-affected-pyrite-take-part-protest/
February 2022
McGarry, F. Politicians are put on notice, The Clare Champion, 04.02.2022, p 6.
McGarry, F. ‘Humanitarian crisis’ has roots in 1960’s says campaigner, The Clare Champion, 04.02.2022, p 6.
McGarry, F. ‘The Government aren’t slighting me, they’re slighting the people of Clare’, The Clare Champion, 04.02.2022, p 6.
McGarry, F. Politicians accept that patience is wearing thin over pyrite, The Clare Champion, 04.02.2022, p 6.
McGarry, F. They’re finally listening, The Clare Champion, 25.02.2022, p 1&2.
McGarry, F. Storm fears for pyrite homeowners, The Clare Champion, 25.02.2022, p 3.
McMahon, P. ‘Everyone in Clare should be furious’, Clare Echo, 03.02.2021, p 1&8.
McMahon, P. A ‘Humanitarian crisis’, Clare Echo, 03.02.2021, p 8.
McMahon, P. No pyrite detected in Comprehensive School, Clare Echo, 03.02.2021, p 8.
McMahon, P. Pyrite Action Group question support for Kilrush Centre, Clare Echo, 24.02.2022, p 9. Ryan, O. No pyrite in St Patricks Comprehensive building, The Clare Champion, 11.02.2022, p 15.
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Group Chair Says Proving Damage Like ‘Finding Blade of Grass In Croagh Patrick’, 24.02.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-group-chair-says-proving-damage-like-finding-blade-grass-croagh-patrick/
March 2022
McGarry, F. Pyrite pain persists in Clare, The Clare Champion, 11.03.2022, p 8.
April 2022
McGarry, F. Suppliers must not be let off the hook, The Clare Champion, 29.04.2022, p 1&2.
McMahon, P. Clare homes can get pyrite payments, Clare Echo, 07.04.2022, p 7.
O’Rourke, R. 620 homes in Clare hit by pyrite, says council, Irish Examiner, 30.04.2022, p 1.
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Chair Says It’s ‘inevitable’ Gov Will Be Held To Account For Defective Blocks, 25.04.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-action-chair-says-inevitable-gov-will-held-account-defective-blocks/
Clare FM, Reports Clare Could Be County Worst Affected By Pyrite, 30.04.2022, https://www.clare.fm/featured-2/reports-clare-county-worst-affected-pyrite/
May 2022
Kierans, J. €5BN Cost Of Pyrite Scandal, Irish Daily Star, 07.05.2022, p 22.
McGarry, F. The Stress of this will kill people, The Clare Champion, 06.05.2022, p 1&2.
McGarry, F. Council preparing further pyrite report for Department, The Clare Champion 06.05.2022, p 2. McGarry, F. Council’s ‘irrefutable’ proof of pyrite in Clare, The Clare Champion, 13.05.2022, p 3. McGarry, F. Group fears a lack of scrutiny of blocks bill, The Clare Champion, 20.05.2022, p 7.
McGarry, F. Martin’s waring on delay of pyrite scheme, The Clare Champion, 27.05.2022, p 4. McMahon, P. Pyrite problems getting worse, Clare Echo, 05.05.2022, p 7.
McMahon, P. New report shows ‘irrefutable evidence’ of pyrite, Clare Echo, 12.05.2021, p 10.
O’ Dowd, E. ‘It’s been hell’: Clare homeowners reiterate calls to be included in defective block redress scheme, Irish Times, 13.05.2022, https://www.irishtimes.com/it-s-been-hell-clare-homeowners-reiterate- calls-to-be-included-in-defective-block-redress-scheme-1.4878686
Clare FM,Clare Pyrite Action Group Hopeful Of Resolution To State Of Limbo Over Application For Redress, 06.05.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/clare-pyrite-action-group-hopeful-resolution-state-limbo-application-redress/
Clare FM, Calls For Prompt Response From Department As ‘Irrefutable Evidence’ Of Pyrite Found in
Clare, 09.05.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/calls-prompt-response-department-irrefutable-evidence-pyrite-found-clare/
Clare FM, No More “Faffing About” In Delivering Redress For Clare Pyrite Affected Homeowners Insists Clare Gov TD, 09.05.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/no-faffing-delivering-redress-clare-pyrite-affected-homeowners-insists-clare-govt-td/
Clare FM, OPW Confirms Presence of Pyrite In Clare Public Building, 30.05.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/opw-confirms-presence-pyrite-clare-public-building/
Clare FM, No More “Faffing About” In Delivering Redress For Clare Pyrite Affected Homeowners Insists Clare Govt TD, 09.05.2022. https://www.clare.fm/news/no-faffing-delivering-redress-clare-pyrite-affected- homeowners-insists-clare-govt-td/
June 2022
McGarry, F. More than 1,000 homes in Clare could have pyrite, The Clare Champion, 03.06.2022, p 1.
McGarry, F. Group appeals: don’t suffer in silence over blocks issue, The Clare Champion, 10.06.2022, p 6.
McGarry, F. Fear of homeowner penalty in scheme, The Clare Champion, 03.06.2022, p
McGarry, F. ‘Getting our campaign this far has been incredibly stressful’, The Clare Champion, 17.06.2022, p 1.
McGarry, F. Scrutiny of blocks grant scheme politically divisive, The Clare Champion, 17.06.2022, p 5. McGarry, F. Minister finally delivers for Clare but concerns persist, The Clare Champion, 17.06.2022, p 5.
McGarry, F. Pyrite action group concerned over brief Oireachtas audience, The Clare Champion, 24.06.2022, p 1&2.
McMahon, P. Pyrite proven ‘beyond reasonable doubt’, Clare Echo, 09.06.2021, p 6.
McMahon, P. Pyrite redress finally but homeowners still on edge, Clare Echo, 16.06.2022, p 1&6. McMahon, P. Pyrite Action Group ‘not being told a single word’, Clare Echo, 16.06.2021, p 6.
McMahon, P. Pyrite scheme needs scrutiny, Clare Echo, 23.06,2021, p 2.
McMahon, P. Two quarries in Clare supplied pyrite blocks, Clare Echo, 30.06.2022, p1&6.
Clare FM, Clare & Limerick Expected To Be Included in 100% Mica Redress Scheme From Next Week. 12.06.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-limerick-expected-included-100-mica-redress-scheme-next-week/
Clare FM, Clare Set To Be Rubber Stamped Into Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme This Morning, 14.06.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-set-rubber-stamped-defective-concrete-blocks-scheme-morning/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Say Inclusion In Redress Scheme Is Only The Beginning Of Long Battle, 14.06.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-pyrite-action-group-say-inclusion-redress-scheme-beginning-long-battle/
Clare FM, Claims It Would Be ‘Nonsensical’ To Leave Clare Homeowners Out Of Pyrite Redress Talks, 15.06.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/claims-nonsensical-leave-clare-homeowners-pyrite-redress-talks/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Critical Of Assessment Process To Access State Redress Scheme, 24.06.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-action-group-critical-assessment-process-access-state-redress-scheme/
Newstalk, The Pat Kenny Show, Reaction to the government’s further extension to the Mica Scheme, Conor Sheehan Labour and Dr. Martina Cleary CPAG, 15.07.2022 https://www.newstalk.com/podcasts/highlights-from-the-pat-kenny-show/reaction-to-the-governments-further-extension-to-the-mica-scheme
RTE News, Clare pyrite group in cautious welcome to grant scheme, by Cathy Halloran, 14.06.2022 https://www.rte.ie/news/munster/2022/0614/1304801-clare-mica-redress-scheme/
July 2022
McGarry, F. Action group founder warns of widespread blocks problems, The Clare Champion, 01.07.2022, p 4.
McGarry, F. Tensions mount as blocks bill is ‘rammed through’, The Clare Champion, 08.07.2022, p 2. McGarry, F. McNamara raises quarries question, The Clare Champion, 08.07.2022, p 2.
McGarry, F. Government survive motion but ‘can’t defend Mid-West record’ – TD, The Clare Champion, 15.07.2022, p 8.
McGarry, F. Friction between Clare TDs over Blocks Bill, The Clare Champion, 15.07.2022, p 9. McGarry, F. Defective blocks Gill passes Seanad, The Clare Champion, 22.07.2022, p 3.
McMahon, P. Pyrite Action Group slam attempt to ‘railroad’ legislation on defective block scheme, 07.07. 2022, p 12.
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Ready to Take To The Streets If Redress Scheme Not Amended, 01.07.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-action-group-ready-take-streets-redress-scheme-not-amended/
Clare FM, Fears Homeowners In Clare Could Be ‘Left Behind’, Unless Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme Amended. 01.07.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/fears-homeowners-clare-left-behind-unless-defective-concrete-blocks-scheme-amended/
Clare FM, Chair of Clare Pyrite Action Group Hits Out At Local Councillors Claiming Lack of Support In Fight for Redress, 06.07.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/chair-clare-pyrite-action-group-hits-local-councillors-claiming-lack-support-fight-redress/
Clare FM, Clare Councillors Say Fit For Purpose Redress Scheme Vital For Homeowners Affected By Pyrite, 06.07.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-councillors-say-fit-purpose-redress-scheme-vital-homeowners-affected-pyrite/
Clare FM, Minister Vows State Will Pursue Quarries Responsible For Defective Concrete Blocks In Clare, 07.06.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/minister-vows-state-will-pursue-quarries-responsible-defective-concrete-blocks-clare/
Clare FM, Clare Independent TD Won’t Support Government in No Confidence Motion, 07.07.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-independent-td-wont-support-government-no-confidence-motion/
RTE Radio 1, Mica legislation, Dr. Martina Cleary, Founder of Clare Pyrite Action Group;Malcolm Noonan Green Party TD, Roisín Shortall Social Democrats, Eoin Ó Broin SF. https://www.rte.ie/radio/radio1/clips/22116082/
Sept 2022
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Chair Says ‘New Thinking’ Needed to Alleviate Soaring Rebuildiing Costs, 19.09.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-pyrite-action-group-chair-says-new-thinking-needed-alleviate-soaring-rebuilding-costs/
Clare FM, Clare Builder Accuses Government Of Not Having Will To Solve Housing Crisis, 29.09.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-builder-accuses-government-not-will-solve-housing-crisis/
Oct 2022
McGarry,F. Concrete levy is blasted by TDs, The Clare Champion, 14.10.2022, p.4.
McGarry, F. Adjusted levy no substitute for defective blocks inquiry, The Clare Champion, 21.10.2022, p.6.
McGarry,F. ‘Trapped’ Pyrite homeowners make plea to Minister O’Brien, Clare Champion, 28.10.2022, p.6.
Ryan, Owen. Crowe points the finger at defective block culprits, The Clare Champion, 07.10.2023, p.7.
Clare FM, Chair Of Clare Housing Committee Says Gov ‘Scored Own Goal’ With Concrete Levy, 03.10.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/chair-clare-housing-committee-says-gov-scored-goal-concrete-levy/
Clare FM,Clare Senator Calls For Examination Of An Board Pleanala Judicial Review System, 03.10.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-senator-calls-examination-bord-pleanala-judicial-review-system/
Clare FM, Clare TD Insists Government Has ‘No Choice’ But To Review The Concrete Levy, 05.10.2023, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/clare-td-insists-government-no-choice-review-concrete-levy/
Clare FM, Clare Government TD Insists ‘Devil Will Be In The Detail’, In Concrete Levy, 05.10.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-government-td-insists-devil-will-detail-concrete-levy/
Clare FM, Clare Contractor Claims Concrete Tax Is ‘Backdoor Tax For Ordinary People’, 19.10.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-contractor-claims-concrete-tax-backdoor-tax-ordinary-people/
Clare FM, Clare Government TD Still Wants Aspects Of Concrete Levy To Be Amended, 19.10.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/clare-government-td-still-wants-aspects-concrete-levy-amended/
Dec 2022
McGarry, F. ‘Pyrite scheme ‘a big rush to go nowhere’ – campaigner, The Clare Champion, 09.12.2022, p.9.
McMahon, P. Pyrite homeowners living in purgatory, The Clare Echo, 22.12.2022.
Clare FM, Council to Write to Housing Minister Seeking ‘Timelines’ On Pyrite Redress Scheme, 13.12.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/council-write-housing-minister-seeking-timelines-pyrite-redress-scheme/
Clare FM, Clare Homeowners Afraid To Fix Cracks In Walls As Uncertainty Around Accessing Pyrite Redress Lingers, 14.12.2022, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-homeowners-afraid-fix-cracks-walls-uncertainty-around-accessing-pytire-redress-lingers/
Jan 2023
McGarry, F. O’Brien slammed for lack of clarity on pyrite grant, The Clare Champion, 06.01.2023, p.1-2.
McGarry, F. Concern at when redress access is available, The Clare Champion, 20.02.2023, p.4.
McGarry, F. Call for grant support to tackle pyrite in Clare home foundations, The Clare Champion, 20.02.2023, p.4.
Clare FM,Clare Pyrite Action Say Government Taking Piecemeal Approach to Redress Scheme, 04.01.2023, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-action-say-government-taking-piecemeal-approach-redress-scheme/
Clare FM, Local Pyrite Action Group Call For Confirmation That Clare Will Be Included In Redress Scheme From Outset, 19.01.2023, https://www.clare.fm/news/local-pyrite-action-group-call-confirmation-clare-will-included-redress-scheme-outset/
Feb 2023
McGarry, F. Pyrite Group Calls For Clarity, The Clare Champion, 24.02.2023.
March 2023
McGarry, F. Meeting Hears Call For Support, The Clare Champion, 03.03.2023, p.4.
McGarry, F. Councillor lashes pyrite ‘public relations stunt’, The Clare Champion, 10.03.2023, p2.
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Says Homeowners Here Facing Potential 23% Rise In Remediation Costs, 06.03.2023, https://www.clare.fm/news/housing/clare-pyrite-action-group-says-homeowners-facing-potential-23-rise-remediation-costs/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Chair Calls For Dedicated Housing Agency Office in Midwest for Redress Applications, 12.03.2023 https://www.clare.fm/featured-2/clare-pyrite-chair-calls-dedicated-housing-agency-office-midwest-redress-applications/
April 2023
McGarry, F. Pyrite grant regulations expected next month, The Clare Champion, 28.04.2023, p3.
May 2023
McGarry, F. Pyrite homeowners still ‘wallowing in the dark’, The Clare Champion, 05.05.2023, p2.
June 2023
McGarrry, F. Campaigners to meet over further blocks grant delay, The Clare Champion, 16.06.2023, p. 4.
McGarry, F. Pyrite confirmed at Shannon Garda Station, The Clare Champion, 23.06.2023, p.1-2.
McGarry, F. Patience is running out for Clare pyrite homeowners, The Clare Champion, 23.06.2023, p.6.
McGarry, F. ‘If you don’t live in a house with pyrite, you don’t understand’, The Clare Champion, 23.06.2023, p.6.
McGarry, F. Crowe insists pyrite quarries will be pursued, The Clare Champion, 23.06.2023, p.6.
McGarrry, F. Council seek go ahead for pyrite grant facilitator, The Clare Champion, 30.06.2023, p.3.
McGarry, F. O’Brien under fire over pyrite scheme delay, The Clare Champion, 30.06.2023, p.3.
McGarry, F. Crowe quizzes Finance Minister over pyrite home remortgaging plight, The Clare Champion, 30.06.2023, p.3. The Clare Echo, 07.07.2023.
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Call For Immediate Government Remediation, 13.06.2023 https://www.clare.fm/news/clare-pyrite-action-group-call-immediate-government-remediation/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Brand Government Delay In Opening Compensation Scheme As ‘Indefensible’, 19.06.2023 https://www.clare.fm/featured-2/clare-pyrite-action-group-brand-government-delay-opening-compensation-scheme-indefensible/
Clare FM, Clare Independent TD Claims Health Of Pyrite Homeowners Devastated by Government Inaction, 22.06.2023 https://www.clare.fm/featured-2/clare-independent-td-claims-health-pyrite-homeowners-devastated-government-inaction/
July 2023
McGarry, F. Finish line in sight for pyrite homeowners, The Clare Champion, 07.07.2023, p.1-2.
McGarry,F. Terms of pyrite scheme are ‘grossly offensive’ says CPAG, 21.07.2023, p.5.
McMahon, P. Minister O’Brien signs off on regulations to approve redress for Clare pyrite homeowners, The Clare Echo, 07.07.2023.
McMahon, P. Redress for pyrite homes in Clare approved but companies behind defective blocks must be pursued, The Clare Echo, 07.07.2023.
Clare FM, Fears Further Challenges Await Clare Pyrite Affected Homeowner in Wake Of Redress Scheme Announcement, 04.07.2023 https://www.clare.fm/news/current_affairs/fears-challenges-await-clare-pyrite-affected-homeowner-wake-redress-scheme-announcement/
Clare FM, Clare Pyrite Action Group Tells Oireachtas That Enhanced Redress Scheme is Not Acceptable, 14.07.2023 https://www.clare.fm/featured-2/clare-pyrite-action-group-tells-oireachtas-enhanced-redress-scheme-not-acceptable/
Aug 2023
Danaher, D. Homeowners being hampered by ‘cumbersome’ application process, The Clare Champion, 25.08.2023, p. 1-2.
Sept 2023
Dannaher, D. No end to pyrite pain despite opening of grant scheme, The Clare Champion, 01.10.2023, p.6.